Rent and Mortgage Assistance Program


NAM initiates a random selection, similar to a lottery, on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month from applications submitted. Applications are selected from completed online applications for further evaluation for services. If your application is selected, you will receive an email. If you are not selected, you will have to reapply.

Please pay close attention to your application and complete all questions. 

Please understand that if selected, other qualifications must be met. This time sensitive process takes a minimum of 7-10 business days to complete. You will receive an email if selected. 

NAM encourages you to complete the application process early. 

You may be  asked to supply any or all of the the listed documents:

The following documents may be required to receive rent or mortgage assistance from NAM. To qualify for rent or mortgage assistance, the client must live in the NAM zip code service area and prove an unexpected reduction/loss of income, paid emergency expense, or exhaustion of household savings 45 days prior to the date rent or mortgage payment is due. A case manager will evaluate the client’s eligibility for financial assistance. Client must have access /capabilities of receiving and emailing and phone access for consideration of assistance.

  • Photo identification for adult household members

  • SS cards for every household member (Previous year tax return with social security number is acceptable)

  • Birth Certificate for children 0-17 years of age (Birth facts acceptable)

  • Entire current signed (electronic signatures are accepted) written lease, housing agreement or mortgage statement (dated within last 30 days) in the name of the client applying for assistance.

  • Copy of Utility (water, electricity, gas, cable) bill dated within 30 days

  • Proof of household income for the past 45 days.

  • Current SNAP award letter (if applicable).

  • Current SSI award letter for anyone in the household receiving it(if applicable).

  • Unemployment statement (if applicable).

  • Proof of loss must be within 30 days

    • Proof of a reduction of income (wage verification may be required)

    • Receipt(s) for a paid emergency expense,

    • Loss of income (termination letter)

    • Exhaustion of savings (bank statement).

    • Landlord verification form (to be completed by landlord and submitted).

  • Documented proof of doctor’s appointment, 1st day of work, interview or homelessness (if applicable).

Please be advised you may need to provide some or all of the above documents to receive assistance.

Program Supported By: